Friday, March 9, 2007

Spiritual Giftings

Well this morning classes were cut in half because we were trying to get in yesterday mornings class in as well. So for the first part of the morning we discussed the Supreme Court and then the second part of the class was a spiritual gifting test. It was really neat to learn what strengths and weaknesses each other had. If you are interested in doing the quiz the address is then click on the gifted 2 serve on the left hand side and scroll to the bottom of the page, the quiz is the first link. While we were discussing gifts, the topic of churches came up. We talked about how some churches are really gifted in teaching, or evangelism and that if we weren't so insecure about loosing sheep or sheep stealing the church as a body could be really complete. For example, churches who are gifted in evangelism will be great for getting members but not necessarily keeping them, they will need to point their members to a church who is more gifted in teaching or intercession. If we could circulate members from church to church we would have an amazing 5 fold ministry. So after this discussion we ate lunch, then went to the East Block Chapel to pray. All of us felt pretty heavy today but apparently that happens when you are praying at a government level, and it doesn't help that the sun hasn't been out lately. So with heavy hearts we prayed but I know tomorrow we will feel better. Tonight we are watching my favorite movie and just laying low, so that will be nice. Saturday night we are going to the Leeland concert, so a great weekend is planned. I hope the same for all of you . Talk to you Monday.

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