Tuesday, March 6, 2007

MP Tuesday

Good Morning on another chilly Tuesday morning. We started the day with class where we learned about narrative books of the Bible. (Ester, Ruth, etc) We were taught that often when someone is speaking on one of these books they attempt to teach you a moral lesson, or allegory (usually myths, or stories made to symbolize things they don't) Although quite often we can learn a moral lesson for these stories, they were not written for that purpose. We have to remember that when reading a narrative the protagonist is God, the antagonist Satan. All narratives were written to glorify God and show his character, that is why they are historical accounts and need to be recognized as that. We can use this concept on other events in history, like Hitler. The story of Hitler and the Jews is told so that we can understand how WWII started and ended. Although a moral lesson can be taught, the story is not told for that primary reason. So after class we headed out to our MP's offices. I am working for Lynne Yelich and right now she is in Saskatoon, which made me a little homesick. I wasn't able to meet her but had the privilege of meeting her secretaries. We spent most of the time talking about politics, religion, and the purpose of the National House of Prayer, next week there will be more working. Then we had Rob's class at 7:00 tonight. He taught on corporate intercession and why it is a benefit to pray in groups. Rob said that often God deals with us corporately and we need to walk in authority to pray corporately. (ex: he deals with our cities, Abraham interceded for a city) We also learned what to watch out for in corporate prayer, things like:

Spectators- we need to get everyone involved
Preparing our hearts- through worship, or silence-don't be afraid of silence
Laying down our personal agendas and titles
Corporate hearing and discerning- increases our authority, mentors other intercessors etc.
Walking together- holding each other accountable, not getting of track of the topic and if we do being corrected.

It was a very interesting class and good for a lot of the church leaders that take the class with us to hear. So now I am off to bed, early, because I am getting tired lately with all the things we are learning. But tomorrow promises to be a good day, because I am going to go play basketball....YAY!!(I really like basketball for all those who don't know) So have a goodnight and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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