Tuesday, May 15, 2007

One Last Time

Well for those of you who don't know. I arrived home on Saturday. I had to keep it top secret because I surprised everyone. (except my family of course) So I did tell you some of the details regarding last week, but not all of them. First of all I graduated Tuesday night and the rest of the week was getting packed and saying goodbye to everyone. Jill left Thursday, which was really sad, but Amanda, Jim, Barb, and myself all flew out on the same plane. I really wanted to have the opportunity to thank all of you for reading my blog, and keeping up with my life while in Ottawa. Now that I am home I will not be writing anymore, so consider this my last entry. Once again, thank you all for your prayers and interest in me!!! I hope you all have a wonderful summer. Blessings, Erica

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Too Long

So I know by now, that most of you have ceased to read my blog, or lost all hope of me coming back. I am so sorry it has been a week and a half since my last entry, but things have been so crazy here. (and to be completely honest, I lost my motivation to continue writing in my blog, believe it or not, I hate writing) So lets see, where do I begin?
Monday morning (April 30) I went to Parliament Hill to say goodbye to Lynn and the rest of the office, and to thank them for allowing me to work with them. I was so shocked because when I got there, they had a gift waiting for me, as well as lunch, and a tour. So I went to the House of Commons and met up with Lynn and she took me through all the rooms and halls I am not allowed to go in. I met different MP's, but I forget all their names. She also gave me a special pass and I was able to sit in the speakers section where all the important people sit, I felt so special! After Question Period was over Lynn came and got me and took me back into the lounge, and everyone was there. I was able to meet Jim Flaherty (Finance Minister) Stockwell Day (Minister of Public Safety) not the Prime Minister, BUT... Mr. Harper was in the room and he walked right by me, if I wouldn't have moved, HE WOULD HAVE HIT ME!!! haha So that was exciting. (People told me I should have let him hit me or at least said 'hi', I will just pray for another opportunity) Needless to say I was really blessed and had an amazing experience. Tuesday was a normal day, with classes, but towards the evening we started receiving students that were going to be attending the National Prayer Breakfast. Now how this works is, 60 students from across Canada get nominated and accepted to come to Ottawa to be apart of a student forum. (we were apart of that group) So Wednesday morning we all registered for the day and grabbed seats for our first session. They brought in Serge LeClerc, from Saskatoon, to give his testimony.(he is involved with Teen Challenge) He has one of the most amazing testimonies I have ever heard. He was a major gang leader, drug addict for 20 years, and in prison, then radically changed his life around; he has a book out I recommend you all read. After he spoke we had a chance for a panel discussion, which is basically where they bring in guests to share on Christianity in the work place, and allow us to blast them with questions. We also attended Question Period, where immediately afterward we had another discussion with 4 Christian MP's- Kevin Sorenson, James Lunney, John MacKay, and Joe Comartin. This was an amazing experience and because they were all from different parties, they were asked to give their favorite psalms to avoid controversy. After they spoke they sat down with us and discussed how each Psalm ministered to us personally. It was and incredible opportunity. That evening we had dinner on Parliament Hill where we listened to Canadian artists, as well as Terry Leblanc (director of My People Canada) share his testimony. He was First Nations and I found it very interesting that once again, God opened the door for the First People to lead the way and bless the rest of us. They also sang two songs which seemed to shatter and break things, with each drum beat and cry...it was so beautiful. So that was our very busy Wednesday. Thursday morning was the prayer breakfast and there must have been 600 people! Serge shared again, his theme being- Reconciliation through the Personhood of Christ. It again proved to be an incredible testimony and message and I know many people walked away really encouraged in their walk with Christ, or the pursuit of a walk with Him. We had another session where more MP's were able to share on their relationship with Christ, but the man that really impressed me was Steven Fletcher. He is an MP from B.C. and he is a quadriplegic. He hit a moose and became completely paralysed and as he was telling his story you could have heard a pin drop. The reason I really liked him, was because he said that he wasn't as strong a Christian as some of the other members, but he knew God. He was also very transparent and simply stated that, "my accident was considered an act of God according to Parliamentary legislation and the question I keep asking is, why do bad things happen to good people? And I still haven't found a good answer." (paraphrased) Then he proceeded to read a very sad passage from the book of Job and then leave the stage. His story was heart wrenching, but everyone in the room was so impressed with his perseverance, that he left with a standing ovation. So after the session we had lunch and I decided that I was going to meet Serge. I had been looking for a good opportunity but he was always busy and had a flock of people around him, so I decided I would hope for another opportunity because the task was virtually impossible. So, as I was waiting in line for lunch I ended standing beside a man who was a good friend of Serge. We introduced ourselves and began talking about...well everything. During the conversation I mentioned how much I had wanted to meet Serge and he laughed and told me that it would be no problem and he would introduce me. So we left the line he brought me to Serge and I was able to have a good 15 minute conversation. I am just so amazed at how God positions me. I never meet the top man, but always meet there friends and am able to have incredible opportunities from that point on!! So I once again was so blessed. So that concluded the hectic two days but we came back to NHOP to prepare for a dinner with a couple of MP's wives and Christian leaders. (it went very well) Now Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were all normal boring days, but Monday we went to Montreal to tour old Montreal. We walked around all day, and though I looked, I didn't actually buy anything!!! Can you believe it! It was a very nice break however, and a wonderful day to get out of the house, so we had a blast. Wow! I think I have now caught everyone up to date, because today is Tuesday....and we didn't do too much, we did go to Question Period, and out for dinner in the Byward Market. (kind of like a flee market, except higher class) Whew...that was a tonne of typing, serves me right for getting lazy...haha. Well I will try to do my next entry a little later this week. Once again I am so sorry to all of you who thought I was dead, I am alive and kicking. I hope you have an awesome night.


Saturday, April 28, 2007

The End of the Week

Hello Everyone. I had the most amazing day Thursday. We started off with class and we discussed prayer, which is a really good topic for the National House of Prayer. In the afternoon we made sandwiches for the mission and then we were able to take them over and hand them out that night. (first time we have had the opportunity to do that) Now being honest with everyone, at first I found it really difficult to be in the mission. I was nervous to touch things because of the germs, and I was scared to talk to people for fear of what they would say. So the night began with this lady who brought in her guitar and played golden oldies gospel tunes. She had such a way of working with the ground that soon we were all singing and clapping away. I was amazed at the end of the night how comfortable and how much fun I had. I even danced and sang up at the front. The real amazing part was how harshly God reprimanded me for my attitude. He brought to mind the verses that say, if you don't help the poor-whatever you do for the least of my brothers you do for me...etc. I really had to repent and was blessed by the people and the worship. On Friday we had civics class and discussed homosexuality; that was a very interesting topic. We brought up the provincial human rights groups, and how they look for people who discriminate against homosexuals and then fine them. (a lot of them being christian organizations) One thing that has changed this year, is that the government has cut funding to these groups, which helps those who take their fine to court, not having to fight government money. Another thing that will work in our favor is that our law system is based on Common Law, which is a system that follows previous examples of similar cases. So, if a christian suffers a similar scenario with a homosexual group, they can take them to court and most likely win. Friday afternoon instead of going to the East Block Chapel, we stayed here and worshiped and prayed together to end the week. We also went to a movie that night for a chance to get out of the house. (it has been a full house all week 35 ppl!) So that was this week, and I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will write an new entry towards the beginning of next week. Goodnight.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Week after Toronto

Don't worry! I am still alive! This week has been so crazy, where do I begin? Okay, well I went to Toronto and attended the Airport Church, it was really cool to be in a congregation with that many people. Unfortunately I got sick with a head cold, and found it really difficult to participate in the 2 different church services. On Monday we made beds an went to Question Period in the afternoon. The House is once again hammering Gordon O'Connor and demanding his resignation, he is really becoming worn out, so really pray for him these next few weeks. Monday evening the teams all arrived and we had 9 from Toronto and 16 from the Masters Commission in B.C. (really full house) I was quite happy to have some kids my age here, as well as to find out that they are apart the same denomination that I am. Tuesday morning we had class and discussed how we are to interpret the Song of Songs. Many preachers negate ever speaking on this book and if they do, they refer to it as an allegory representing Jesus and the Bride. (Church) Richard told us that when the book was written there was no concept of the Church or Jesus coming to earth, so to make it an allegory is taking it out of the context of its original purpose. He has a way of making things so understandable! Tuesday afternoon was my last day working for my MP but I may see her Monday and have the opportunity to meet some of the other MP's, possibly even Mr. Harper!!!YAY! (we will see) In the evening we had the Master Commission do a skit for us and then settled down to hear Rob speak on prophetic intercession, also a very interesting class. This is the definition he gave us:

prophetic intercession is an urging to pray given by the Holy Spirit for situations and circumstances about which you have very little knowledge in the natural. You receive a prayer request from God which can be received as a burden, an impression, dream or vision.

Today we had Ken Hall's class, and I don't know if it is because I am not feeling well, but I found it very hard to concentrate. Question Period this afternoon once again attacked the Defense Minister, but also took a few rounds out of Peter McKay (foreign affairs) and John Baird (Environment) regarding Afghanistan detainees and the Kyoto Accord. I went to a movie tonight with Jill and Amanda and now I am looking forward to a really good sleep so that I wake up feeling good tomorrow. I hope you all had an amazing weekend and I will let you know what happens in the next 2 days.


Friday, April 20, 2007

The Rest of the Week

So Tuesday night, I didn't end up going to class, because I still wasn't feeling to great. So Instead I put on my pj's made hot chocolate, watched t.v., and went to bed early. Wednesday was an amazing day. The morning was theology, but Ken was away so Rob taught it. We discussed the after-life, all things known about Heaven and Hell. It was a really good class, and although we were all very familiar with the topic, there were many things I saw from a different perspective. The afternoon was spent in Q.P. Except one major difference, BRIAN MULRONEY SHOWED UP!! So we were waiting to get in when he came walking through the hall, so everyone of course got out their cameras to take pictures. I didn't have one so I waited until he looked over at us and then I threw my hand up in the air and started waving frantically with the dumbest smile on my face. He frowned as if he thought maybe he knew us, and CAME OVER. So we all got to shake his hand, it was awesome. Then we all headed out to Kannada to do a concert of prayer. The night went well the only problem was that we had a synth to play, not a piano, and the sustain pedal did not really work so it sounded like....plunk, plunk, plunk. God managed to bless the people regardless of the terrible sound. Thursday morning was class and we looked at dream interpretation again, as well as church structure. All of us came with dreams and once they were interpreted we all felt very encouraged by their messages. As far as the Church structure went, we discussed the differences between big churches and smaller ones, and what produces an effective church. In the afternoon we made sandwiches for the mission, and then Amanda and I headed outside to play basketball. It was such a warm day out that we stayed outside and sun-tanned. That night one of the staff members came into do the fireside and she shared with us her heart for China and how many times she has been there etc. It was amazing to hear her. Friday morning we had civics class and we discussed Prime Minister Laurier life, as well as, how to be affective in changing the government. We looked at issues like abortion, and homosexuality, and discussed how the church seemed to give up once they were in place. We looked at William Wilberforce's life and how he had a long term plan (20yrs) and he was able to abolish slavery. If the church could think that way, in a few years, we would begin to see change. It was a very interesting topic. Friday afternoon we went to the East-block chapel and prayed with the Newfoundland team, and then us girls shopped and stayed outside all day again. (it was +22, and major tanning weather, everyone here is sunburned) Tomorrow we leave for Toronto to speak, and we get home late Sunday night, so I will talk to everyone Monday, and I hope you all have an amazing weekend.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Parliament is Back

So It has been a really long time since I made an entry. It was hard the last two weeks because Parliament Hill has been out of session. So last weekend my dad came and visited me, it was really good he came because I was beginning to get too homesick and ready to go home. So I was able to take him through Parliament Hill and tour Ottawa with him, it was such good timing that he came, I know Jesus was keeping an eye out on me. Monday we went to QP (question period) it was funny to see how many of the MP's had sunburns, including Mr. Harper. Although there is still the rumor of an election, the government has managed to keep it all under wraps. Some of the topics they brought up, was Canada's involvment in Afghanistan, and if the Defense Minister would keep the promise of pulling out in Feb. 2009. I think where O'Connor sits, is that come time they will reavalue the time-line, but he just keeps telling the House that he said 2009. The opposition is really against him right now, and continue to bring things against him, in effort to break him and convince the Prime Minister of his imcompetance. Many of us here having been keeping him in our prayers especially this term because it has been so rough. Another huge issue in the House, is the agreement the Liberals made with the leader of the Green Party. Dion promised that they wouldn't run against her in her riding, all of this being a method to boot Peter McKay out of power because her riding is his area. Monday night our team arrived from Hallifax, 5 of them, and we were able to meet them as well as practice for the prayer concert out in Kanada. (we are doing the worship) Today we had class, and we looked at how to read the Psalms and how many different types there are. After class we were suppose to go to our MP's but I wasn't feeling so great so I had prayed all morning that the office would call and say they didn't need me, and God answered my prayer. So this afternoon I slept for two hours and I am feeling much better. Tonight is Rob's class and I will add a little blurb on what he teaches tonight.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Weekend

Wow! It has been a little while since I wrote in my blog. I hope everyone had an amazing Easter weekend. Now let me see, I didn't talk about Friday. Okay so Friday morning we attended a good Friday service, then went out for lunch with Terry and Richard. Saturday morning we got up early and hit the road to go shopping in Montreal!!! I love it there, all the stores, the nice clothes, the shoes, and the French accents. I bought a skirt and tank-top for summer time. (if it ever comes) Sunday we went to an Easter service called, O Happy Day, it was at this huge church and the music was phenomenal. They had a full choir and two black men who had amazing vocals. It was such a fun service. We then went over to the Long's house for Easter lunch, so that we didn't have to be alone, it was really sweet of them. Monday was a day off, so we played some basketball (us three girls) and ate, yet another, Easter dinner! We will all have to go running after that weekend. For 4 days of not blogging, that seems like a whole lot of nothing, but the weekend seemed so full....it must look shorter on paper. Today got us back into the swing of things real fast, we went to class, MP's office, and then class again. So this morning we discussed how to interpret the books of the Prophets. Richard told us that they are very difficult to read because we need to look at them as oracles, unfortunately it doesn't always show you what is the beginning and the end. Working this afternoon went really well, and I was able to discuss abortion and gay rights with the secretaries working in Lynn's office. I love when you find out people's views on certain issues. Tonight Rob spoke on fasting, here is a little excerpt from his class:
- Matt. 4- Satan tempts Jesus with bread after 40 days of fasting- It is interesting to note that after the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus, he leads him into the desert to be tested (that is how he began his ministry)
- Our 'appetites' are powerful, when we fast we allow for our spirit to control our 'appetite' (appetite being- our desire for anything)- Fasting prepared Jesus to meet with the enemy; was used as a weapon that showed His absolute commitment to the Father

So that was the last couple of days, but before I say goodnight....Remember when I blogged about our interviews on 100 Huntley Street? Well it aired last Friday and this is the website you can watch the 10 minute segment. (Just remember, they are quick little blurbs)
http://www.crossroads.ca/broadcas/program.htm scroll down to April 6, and you will see in the description column, a series on prayer part 4. That is the one you click on. Goodnight everyone.