Sunday, February 11, 2007

After the Weekend

Hello everyone back home. I hope that by emailing you this blog sight you will be able to keep up with the busy schedule of life here in Ottawa. I really hate journaling so you will have to forgive me for poor grammar and spelling, but my teachers say it is a necessary thing to do everyday, so I am trying. As most of you know I arrived here in Ottawa Thursday, and luckily had a really relaxing weekend to just tour Ottawa and meet everyone here. They way NHOP (National House of Prayer) functions, is every week we usually have a prayer team from somewhere in Canada, an example, the Vancouver team just left. Usually they fly out here to pray for parliament and key places they feel God is asking them to cover. Twice a week we attend Question and Answer Period (for those of you who don't know what that is, it is where the opposition fires off questions at the Conservative government) at Parliament Hill where we pray during the session. Along with time spent here we take a number of classes including, Biblical Introduction, On Target (theology), Spiritual Direction, Civics/Ethics, Principles of Intercession, and finally Fireside (that is where they bring in special guests, like MPs) So this is just a little update for everyone, feel free to forward this address. I will try to be diligent in writing everyday, take care and blessings to you all.

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