Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Covenant

Today was such an amazing day. This morning we had class (spiritual direction) where we looked at the importance of journalling in our own lives and in the Bible. I learnt that the book of Luke is not actually his account but is believed by most scholars to be the account of Mary...that is why there is so much detail about Jesus' birth. Also Mark is believed to be written by John Mark who had the events dictated to him by Peter. So it is believed that Mark is Peter's account...I thought that was sooo cool, it makes reading them so much more interesting. Then this afternoon we made sandwiches for a local street ministry here in Ottawa. After that I napped then started getting ready for the big event! For those of you who don't know, tonight was the night that the First Nations People held a reception for parliamentary leaders to attend where they presented The Covenant that the Inuit, Metis and Aboriginal people signed as a declaration of their unity. Although Mr. Harper was not able to attend he sent a letter of apology and said that he was in complete agreement over what the First Peoples of Canada were trying to do. So throughout the night we ate aboriginal food, watch dancing in all their regalia, danced along, and listened to local aboriginal artists sing. It was such a wonderful evening and a real significant event in history. And GUESS WHAT....I got to shake MR. SPEAKERS know the guy who sits in the big chair, sigh, it was one of the best moments of my life! So for all of you who were praying for tonight thank you, the evening was a huge success.

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