Thursday, February 22, 2007

Amazing Night

So today started with Richard's class called Spiritual Direction. Most of the morning was talking through Richard Foster's book, Spiritual Disciplines. I would like to get a copy of the notes because they are a very good summary of what the book is about. If some of you are interested I will see if I can email them to you, just let me know, After class we made sandwiches for the mission here then came upstairs to watch Question Period. Once again it was a vain attempt at trying to get the Prime Minister to apologize for his comments on Wednesday. Along with this topic they brought up the Conservatives plan to bring police officers into the process of voting on the judges for the Supreme Court. In my opinion the Conservatives have a stronger argument but the Liberals are working very hard to keep police officers off the committee. The reason the judges have become involved, is because up to this point the courts have been very exclusive and made up largly of lawyers and judges. Well tonight we led worship, as most of you know, and it went so well. God really touched and the worship was very sweet. As the 100 people came through they had an opportunity to pray for our military, our government and unity, and Mr. Harper. As we were praying Rob asked if anyone was from Quebec, one lady stood up, then he asked her if we could pray with her, as a representation of our desire to see unity across Canada. So while this was all happening I pulled Rob aside and said that I felt God was telling me we should all hold hands and each province be represented. Rob agreed and asked me to tell the group. Unfortunately all I could say before I burst into tears was, "Hi, I am from Saskatchewan and I would like to hold hands with Quebec." Rob had to finish the rest, so we all circled up and had an amazing prayer for unity, there were even Americans joining hands with us. It was incredible. We also had the chance to pray for the First People's of Canada, lucky for us there were four different groups of people represented, so we all circled around them and began to pray. We prayed for unity, and healing for their people, we prayed for a repentance in the white man, and a forgiveness in the First Peoples. We also thanked them that although it was us who hurt them, they were taking the first steps and forgiving us. This also was an incredible time. So tomorrow should be equally cool. We have 100 Huntley Street coming in to do some interviews, then in the evening we have a celebration with David Dameon and those who helped out with the Israel Tour that just came through. So pray for an amazing Friday. Goodnight everyone.

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