Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Parliament is Back

So It has been a really long time since I made an entry. It was hard the last two weeks because Parliament Hill has been out of session. So last weekend my dad came and visited me, it was really good he came because I was beginning to get too homesick and ready to go home. So I was able to take him through Parliament Hill and tour Ottawa with him, it was such good timing that he came, I know Jesus was keeping an eye out on me. Monday we went to QP (question period) it was funny to see how many of the MP's had sunburns, including Mr. Harper. Although there is still the rumor of an election, the government has managed to keep it all under wraps. Some of the topics they brought up, was Canada's involvment in Afghanistan, and if the Defense Minister would keep the promise of pulling out in Feb. 2009. I think where O'Connor sits, is that come time they will reavalue the time-line, but he just keeps telling the House that he said 2009. The opposition is really against him right now, and continue to bring things against him, in effort to break him and convince the Prime Minister of his imcompetance. Many of us here having been keeping him in our prayers especially this term because it has been so rough. Another huge issue in the House, is the agreement the Liberals made with the leader of the Green Party. Dion promised that they wouldn't run against her in her riding, all of this being a method to boot Peter McKay out of power because her riding is his area. Monday night our team arrived from Hallifax, 5 of them, and we were able to meet them as well as practice for the prayer concert out in Kanada. (we are doing the worship) Today we had class, and we looked at how to read the Psalms and how many different types there are. After class we were suppose to go to our MP's but I wasn't feeling so great so I had prayed all morning that the office would call and say they didn't need me, and God answered my prayer. So this afternoon I slept for two hours and I am feeling much better. Tonight is Rob's class and I will add a little blurb on what he teaches tonight.


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