Hello Everyone. I had the most amazing day Thursday. We started off with class and we discussed prayer, which is a really good topic for the National House of Prayer. In the afternoon we made sandwiches for the mission and then we were able to take them over and hand them out that night. (first time we have had the opportunity to do that) Now being honest with everyone, at first I found it really difficult to be in the mission. I was nervous to touch things because of the germs, and I was scared to talk to people for fear of what they would say. So the night began with this lady who brought in her guitar and played golden oldies gospel tunes. She had such a way of working with the ground that soon we were all singing and clapping away. I was amazed at the end of the night how comfortable and how much fun I had. I even danced and sang up at the front. The real amazing part was how harshly God reprimanded me for my attitude. He brought to mind the verses that say, if you don't help the poor-whatever you do for the least of my brothers you do for me...etc. I really had to repent and was blessed by the people and the worship. On Friday we had civics class and discussed homosexuality; that was a very interesting topic. We brought up the provincial human rights groups, and how they look for people who discriminate against homosexuals and then fine them. (a lot of them being christian organizations) One thing that has changed this year, is that the government has cut funding to these groups, which helps those who take their fine to court, not having to fight government money. Another thing that will work in our favor is that our law system is based on Common Law, which is a system that follows previous examples of similar cases. So, if a christian suffers a similar scenario with a homosexual group, they can take them to court and most likely win. Friday afternoon instead of going to the East Block Chapel, we stayed here and worshiped and prayed together to end the week. We also went to a movie that night for a chance to get out of the house. (it has been a full house all week 35 ppl!) So that was this week, and I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will write an new entry towards the beginning of next week. Goodnight.