So I managed to get through Tuesday in one piece. Tuesday is our busiest day of the week, we start off with class, then go to our MP's office, and then have Rob's class in the evening. Our morning class taught on how to interpret Parables correctly, and how not to. Richard taught us that the closest thing we have to a parable is a joke, for both of them have a punch line or point. The afternoon I went to Lynn's office and was finally able to meet her. She is a very busy woman and is straight to the point, I also found out that she is Parliamentary Secretary for Human Resources. (No wonder she is so busy!!!) Rob's class on intercession touched the topic of warfare in intercession. His three main points were: Our Authority, Keeping Alert, A Protective Barrier. I took lots of notes, but to extensive to include in one blog entry. Another interesting thing I wanted to tell you all about is that the Justice committee held a meeting to look a raising the sexual consent age, back up to 16. (it is at 14 currently) The team that has been staying here, went to the meeting to pray and one of the key leaders here in Ottawa was able to share for 10 minutes. It's not to be voted on yet, but in Parliament everything is a process. So today (Wednesday) Ken came in, and if I had to pick one of my favorite points that he said it would be this..."With the fall came curses, but also blessings." For example, death was a curse, but to live in sin for eternity would be worse, childbearing was a curse- but most women will agree that it is also a blessing. That statement seemed so profound to me and will be one I remember. (We were discussing the heart of mankind) I also went to Question Period today, everyone seemed very obnoxious, and were yelling almost steady. The opposition accuses the government of breaking its promise to Newfoundland, Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Saskatchewan by putting a cap on equalization payments. (I cannot explain all of this in depth in one entry but I do have information to email you if you are interested...especially those from home) Even Saskatchewan's premier Lorne Calvert bashed the government's new budget. (email me at By the way the budget was passed, the Bloc sided with the Conservative government, it is rumored however, that threats of an election will be far greater once the House comes back from Easter holidays. (of course this is murmurings between different MP's) I went and played basketball tonight, but I played terrible so there is nothing to mention, other than the fact that I feel so sore now. I hope you have an amazing night and talk to you all tomorrow.
p.s. Robin L. you are the rockin'est personI know and now I am cooler than Amanda cuz I mentioned you in my blog!!!!